1.evidence that provides direct factual information in a trial, e.g. a photograph, a document, or a witness's account
1.She was also convicted without direct evidence linking her to the poisonings.
2.The first direct evidence of a genetic link to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder has been found, a study says.
3.Although reconnection might well be ubiquitous on the sun, finding direct evidence for it has proved difficult.
4.They (journalists) have been conduits of stolen information and their files contain direct evidence of that illegal conduct.
5.There has no direct evidence about tectonic boundary between Qiongzhong terrain and Sanya terrain in Hainan Island.
6.Practical cosmologists would like to see direct evidence for the reionization epoch before adding the missing chapter to their textbooks .
7.At the moment, Srivastava's suspicions remain entirely hypothetical; there is no direct evidence that anybody has plundered a game.
8.But colliders have failed to turn up direct evidence of the super particles predicted by the theory.
9.Now, two teams of physicists say they have more direct evidence for superfluidity in the heart of a neutron star.
10.The University of Toronto investigation said it had no direct evidence of Chinese government involvement in the spying operation.